Black Lodge, June 2005
The album starts off with a song called “Behind Tomorrow”. A strange tune leads into the song after ten seconds. The atmosphere in this song is quite extraordinary, on the one hand you have the heavy guitar riffs and bombastic drums, and on the other hand beautiful piano tunes and the ensemble of a synthesiser blending into each other perfectly. As the lyrics are mostly sung to fast to understand, no lyrics came with the promotional copy and the Eternal Oath homepage doesn’t reveal much, I can only guess what the lyrics are about. Though the titles and the lyrics that are provided on the webpage describe the feeling you get while listening to this music perfectly. As “Behind Tomorrow” slowly comes to an end with a marvellous piano outro, “Death’s Call” blasts out of my stereo. This song deals with the fact that something that really bad happened in the past can haunt you all your life, something that quite a number of people can relate too. Musically this song follows the bombastic atmosphere of the previous song perfectly, and what I especially like about this song is the mixture between the heavy growling and the clean vocals, balancing each other out just fine. As I wonder why the last song stopped so suddenly, maybe as a result of this being a promotional copy, the next song has started, titled “In despair for my sins”. This song is pretty straightforward and fits nice to the them set by the previous songs. There’s nothing special to be said about. The perfect mixture between the piano tunes and heavy guitar and drums return once again in the intro of the next song “Godsend”, which is another piece of evidence to the success of this album. It has a good atmosphere to it, and is quite comparable to the first song concerning its style. Though there is still a lot of heaviness, “Second Life” is the first ballad like song on this album. And it is proof that this is also not out of their reach. A perfectly balanced song, with a great piano tune running in the background. “Within My World” is up next, and as quickly as you think that this song is but a little slow, as quickly that thought is washed away by amazing growling and guitar riffs. By following this pattern throughout the song, an extraordinary atmosphere is being created and it fits nice to what I’ve already heard on this CD. The following songs “Act of Fate” and “On bitter Wings” are both songs that fit to the CD perfectly, but are pretty much straightforward, and there’s nothing extremely special to be said about. They follow the style of music of the previous songs and don’t add many new things to the album. “Fallen Virtue” however is from the very beginning very atmospheric and melodically aimed. It perfectly blends the melodic tunes with the bombastic nature of the song. ”At your Hands” starts very melodic again, and seems to stop after twenty second but then turns into a great guitar riff, but as interesting as the beginning, as boring is the rest of the song, it’s not bad, actually it is really good, but it’s not one of the best tracks on the album. There is nothing more to say about the album really, except for pointing out the last song on the album, the titlesong “Wither”. Very well composed and very well recorded. As for my opinion about this album. As I already explained while going through the songs, it really is a good album, and concerning the “third album question”, did they make it or not? They definitely made it. Recommendable songs: "Behind Tomorrow" & "Fallen Virtue" Rating: 7.5 / 10 Review by Rhoutna |