Reviews "G"
Click on language, in which you want to read the review (missing translations will follow soon)!
gernotshagen "Märe aus wäldernen ..." | deutsch | |
goatpsalm "Erset La Tari" | deutsch | |
goregast "Viva el animal" | deutsch | |
Gorgoroth "Under the sign of hell 2011" | deutsch | |
Gorgoroth "Quantos Possunt... " | deutsch | |
Gorgoroth "Bergen 1996" | deutsch | english |
Gorgoroth "Twilight of the Idols" | deutsch | english |
grabak "Agash Daeva" | deutsch | |
grand Supreme Blood Court "Bow down..." | deutsch | |
Grey waters "Below the ever setting sun" | deutsch | |
Gwar "Live from Mt. Fuji" | deutsch | english |
Gwydion "Horn Triskelion" | deutsch | |
Gwydion "Ynys Mön" | deutsch |
No. 1 recommendation of this page:
Gorgoroth "Quantos possunt ad Satanitatem trahunt"