Reviews "K"
Click on language, in which you want to read the review (missing translations will follow soon)!
kältetod "Reue" | deutsch | |
kampfar "Mare" | deutsch | |
kampfar "Heimgang" | deutsch | english |
kilte "Absence" | deutsch | |
knaat "Die Lichtung" | deutsch | |
koldbrann "Vertigo" | deutsch | |
kolp "The outside" | deutsch | |
korpiklaani "Tales along this road" | deutsch | |
korpiklaani "Voice of wilderness" | deutsch | english |
kratein "Trauma" | deutsch | |
krisiun "AssassiNation" | deutsch | english |
kromlek "Finis Terrae" | deutsch | |
kromlek "Strange rumours...distant tremors" | deutsch |
No. 1 recommendation of this page:
(on the photo: Kampfar live)