Reviews "W"
Click on language, in which you want to read the review (missing translations will follow soon)!
Waldgeflüster - "Femundsmarka" | deutsch | |
Waldgeflüster - "Herbstklagen" | deutsch | |
Waldwind - "Lohe" | deutsch | |
Waldwind - "Blättertanz" | deutsch | |
Walk through fire - "Furthest from heaven" |
deutsch | |
Warbreed - "So cry havoc" |
deutsch | english |
Witchery - "Don`t fear the reaper" |
deutsch | english |
Wolfbrigade - "Damned" | deutsch | |
Wolfcry - "Glorious" | deutsch | |
Wolfgard - "Snartemo" | deutsch | |
Woods of desolation - "Sorh" | deutsch | |
Wreck of the hesperus - "Light rotting out" | deutsch | |
Wulfgar - "Midgardian Metal" | deutsch |
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