Reviews "T"
Click on language, in which you want to read the review (missing translations will follow soon)!
Tarabas - "Das neue Land" | deutsch | |
The Stone - "Golet" | deutsch | |
The Stone - "Umro" | deutsch | |
Thiasos Dionysos - "Satyr" | deutsch | |
Thorngoth - "Rauhnacht" | deutsch | |
Throneum - "Deathcult Conspiracy" | deutsch | |
Thyrfing - "Vansinnesvisor" | deutsch | english |
Todeskult - "Apathy" | deutsch | |
"Todes Kunst, Vol. 1" - Sampler | deutsch | |
Todesstoß - "Würmer zu weinen" | deutsch | |
Torment - "Tormentation" | deutsch | english |
Tormented - "Death Awaits" | deutsch | |
Traumatic Voyage - "Khiaoscuro" | deutsch | |
Träumen von Aurora - "Sehnsuchts wogen" | deutsch | |
Trollfest - "Villanden" | deutsch | |
Tsorer - "Return to sodom" | deutsch | |
Turisas - "Battle Metal" | deutsch | english |
No. 1
recommendation of this page:
(on the photo: Turisas)